Click on the links below to download our In Focus newsletters which provide news on labor and employment issues.
- Anti-Abortion Employer Has No Standing To Challenge New York’s “Boss Bill”
- Federal Government Directs Agencies To Order Employees Back To Work At Their Offices
- Department Of Labor Releases Guidance On Interaction Between FMLA And State Medical Leave Acts
- Turbulence At The NLRB: Analyzing The Implications Of High-Profile Firings
- Ninth Circuit Splits With Third, Props Up Labor Board’s Remedial Powers
- New Jersey Court Rules That Union CBA Did Not Require Firefighters To Arbitrate Wage Dispute
- Plaintiffs Challenge 401(k) Forfeiture Allocations With Mixed Success
- New Aca Reporting Changes: Relief For Plan Sponsors In 2025
- Department Of Labor Announces Annual Inflation Adjustments For Civil Monetary Penalties
- Starbucks Goes Half & Half In Third Circuit On Grande Challenges To NLRB
- Labor Board Hold That Union May Eithhold Notes From Member
- Biden Designates National Monumenr In Honor Of Honer Female Labor Secretary, Pioneering Champion Of New Deal Policies
- “Super Catch-Ups” Under Secure 2.0
- Reminder: Deadline To Update Reproductive Health Information
- Federal Labor Board’s Top Attorney Issues Memo Emphasizing
- The Second Circuit Speaks On Sex And Covid
- Neither Interrogation, Nor Coercion, Nor Threats, Nor Constructive Discharge Stays These Couriers
- Newest Rules Under Mental Health Parity And Addiction Equity Act Finalized
- IRS Reminds Retirement Plan Sponsors Of Extended Plan Amendment Deadlines
- IRS Announces 2025 Annual Cost-Of-Living Adjustments For Qualified Retirement Plans
- Ignoring loper, second circuit enforces NLRB order for employer to produce financial records to union
- The strength of the wolf is the pack: Houston restaurant must rehire workers who walked out of staff meeting in protest
- NY state releases guidance to protect outdoor workers from extreme weather
- Federal labor board wins injunction in michigan and survives attack on constitutionality
- Fifth circuit lets musk’s tweet fly
- CFPB takes a stand against unchecked worker surveillance
- New york district court rejects withdrawal liability calculation based on plan’s hypothetical future underperformance
- EBSA to group health plans: the cybersecurity guidance applies to you too
- Reminder: deadline for required hipaa privacy rule updates related to reproductive health phi is fast approaching
- Legal aid society’s staten island office allowed racist culture to fester, complaint alleges
- Amazon loses bid to have the national labor reations board deemed unconstitutional
- Department of labor takes aim at the fine print
- Sixth circuit skirts labor board’s severance standard and upholds nlrb on prior precedent
- Labor board finds head of school’s post-vote email was not coercive
- Does the supreme court crackdown on agency authority extend to college basketball?
- Looming Port Strike Threatens U.s. Supply Chains And Economy
- Scrap Metal Recycling Company Illegaly Scrapped Overtime Following Union Election
- Employers’ War On Adminstrative Agencies’ Next Battle Is Against The Occupational Safety And Health Review Commission
- Long Island hospital, believing nurse was a supervisor, wrongly disciplined her for pro-union activity
- Michigan federal court bucks trend denies employer’s attempt to enjoin the NLRB
- Large employers are tops at violating NYC paid sick leave act
- The death of Chevron creates uphill battles for employee benefits regulators
- Applied behavioral analysis therapy continues to be a coverage challenge for group health plans
- “As soon as practicable” means just that in defeating late withdrawal liability claim
- Federal labor board weighs in on higher education’s duty to bargain over sharing student data
- Second Circuit Finds Worker’s sexual harassment claims Can stay in court
- A groundbreaking collaboration: NLRB and Michigan AG forge a united front for labor rights
- Second Circuit Affirms Protections For Labor Unions Against Anti-Trust And Tort Liabilities
- Acute Care Hospital Must Recognize, Bargain With Food Service Employees’ Representative, Labor Board Rules
- NLRB Returns To Pre-2020 Election Rules
- States Reevaluate Child Labor Laws In 2024
- The Interplay Between Ramadan Drug Testing & Religious Accommodations
- Federal Courts In Texas Continue To Mess With Agencies: Court Partially Blocks FTC’S Non-Compete Ban
- Las Vegas Casino’s Aggressive Anti-Union Campaign Results In First Cemex Bargaining Order
- Court Blocks Parts Of The Dol’s Extension Of Prevailing Wage Rule To Truck Drivers And Truck Companies
- Strategic Alliance: The Teamsters-Amazon Labor Union Merger Shapes The Future Of Labor
- Hipaa Privacy Rule Updates To Impact Use And Disclosure Of Protected Health Information Related To Reproductive Health
- Reassessing “Assets” And The Value Of Participant Data In A Shifting Cybersecurity Landscape
- Former Plan Investment Manager Ordered To Return Millions, But “Profits” Requires Clarification
- A Few Reminders (Based On Calendar-Year Plans)
- Discrimination Complaint Against Amazon.Com Survives Motion To Dismiss
- Court Finds Restaurant Chain’s Arbitration Agreement Is Unenforceable For Sexual Harassment Claims
- Sixth Circuit Court Of Appeals Rules Against Funds Audit Where Contract Expired
- OLMS Revises Form LM-21 Special Enforcement Policy
- Time is a Continuum, But New York Jurisdiction is Not, Says Second Circuit
- Hotel Cannot Unilaterally Increase Workload, Even Where Increase is Incidental to Management Decision, D.C. Circuit Affirms
- Employer Union Unwisely Borrows From Management Playbook In Dealing With Union-represented Union Representatives, Violates National Labor Relations Act
- Second Circuit Revives Hijab Discrimination Claim
- Osha’s Workplace Walkaround Policy Under Review By The White House
- Happy Presidents Day
- Big Green Basketball Set to Dance With Unionization
- Board Declines Review of Decision on Objectionable Nursing Home Raffle, Which Could Set Aside Union Election
- Starbucks’ Losing Streak at the NLRB Continues
- New York Fashion Law Takes on AI
- “F**cking” “Racist,” “Stalker,” “Fraud,” Not Defamatory In Context, Says Second Circuit
- Northern District Of New York Joins Second Circuit And Southern District In Upholding Local Laws Affecting Terms And Conditions Of Employment
- Google Purposely Refused To Bargain With Youtube Employees, Will Likely Challenge Joint-employer Decision In Fifth Circuit
- Trader Joe’s Union May Use Company Logo On Union Merchandise
- Navigating The New Terrain: DOL’s Final Rule Redefines Worker Classification
- SpaceX Launches Constitutional Attack Into NLRB’s Hull
- Second Circuit Makes Fast Work Rejecting Restaurants’ Challenge To NYC Fast Food “Just Cause” Law
- Follow The Money For Withdrawal Liability
- NLRB Rules Employer Cannot Unilaterally End Pay Differential
- U.S. Court Of Appeals Strikes A Chord In Seiu Dispute
- ALJ Rules Donning Blm Gear Is Not Protected Speech
- Big Win For Workers: New Rule Revolutionizes Federal Construction Contracts
- Intent Is Not Injury So Non-Union Contractors Lack Standing To Challenge Union-Friendly Bidding Laws
- Hochul’S Halt: NYS Noncompete Agreement Saga Continues
- Secure 2.0 Technical Corrections Act Of 2023
- Medical Provider Cannot Sue On Behalf Of Participant Under ERISA
- Departments Try To Clarify Culturally And Linguistically Appropriate Notice Requirements For Health Plans
- Nlrb General Counsel Lays Out Expedited Timeline For Union Elections
- Wisconsin Public Sector Employees Seek To Subject Anti-union Law To Judicial Scrutiny
- Starbucks’ Losing Streak At The Nlrb Continues
- Eeoc Issues New Electronic Filing Rule
- Governor Hochul Balks At State-wide Non-compete Ban: Seeks To Strike Balance
- Amazon Demonstrates How Not To Deal With Union Organizing Campaigns
- Testing The Limits: The Supreme Court’s Recent Ada Decision And Its Impact On Future Labor And Employment Law Litigation
- Fifth Circuit Short Circuits Nlrb’s Order Regarding Union T-shirts At Tesla
- New Nyc Law Banning Discrimination Based On Height And Weight Goes Into Effect
- National Labor Relations Board Says Ups’ 2015 Grievance Panel Proceedings Were Not “fair And Regular”
- Department Of Labor Rolls Out New Rule Proposing New Erisa Definition Of “investment Advice Fiduciary”
- Irs Announces 2024 Retirement-related Cost-of-living Adjustments
- Federal Idr Process
- That’s A Wrap On Actors’ Strike As Sag-aftra Reaches Agreement After 118 Days
- Big Chance Of Big Strike By Big Purp
- The Amazon Verdict – A Landmark In Protecting Disabled Employees In The Workplace
- Las Vegas Casinos Roll The Dice On Hospitality Worker Unions’ Patience
- Don’t Mess With Cemex: NLRB General Counsel Issues Guidance After Historic Decision
- Federal Government Overpays Teamsters Pension Fund In Bailout Money
- Starbucks Once Again Challenging The NLRB
- Happy Veterans Day, Especially To All Those Who Served Our Country
- Nlrb And Osha Team Up To Enforce Health And Safety Protections For Workers
- Pharmacy Workers Stage Three-day Walkout To Draw Attention To Unsafe Staffing Shortages
- The White House’s Executive Order On Artificial Intelligence
- Ford And Uaw Reach Tentative Deal To End 41 Days Of Intermittent Strikes
- Board Delivers Highly Anticipated Final Rule On Determining Joint-employer Status
- Fresh Union Busters Of Bel-air: Ninth Circuit Holds L.A. Hotel Illegally Refused To Re-hire Unionized Workers
- Amazon Asked To Deliver Proposal On How To Decide Which Of 500,000 Pages Of Documents Are Legitimately Confidential
- Starbucks In Another Round Of Litigation
- Federal Idr Process
- Medical Provider Cannot Sue On Behalf Of Participant Under Erisa
- Irs And Treasury Priority Guidance May Not Align With Benefits Community Expectations
- A Few Reminders(based On Calendar-year Plans)
- Largest Health Care Industry Strike In Us History Has Ended – For The Time Being
- EEOC Releases Proposed Guidance On Workplace Harassment Which Would Be The First Change In 20 Years
- Starbucks Gets Burned By Subpoena & Olms Probe
- Writers to Ink Deal With Production Companies, End 146-Day Strike
- Raises For Me But Not For Thee: NLRB Judge Holds That STARBUCKS Illegally Increased Wages And Benefits Only For Non-Union Workers
- Starbucks Continues To Lose At The Board
- “Sincerity” Is “Exceedingly Amorphous” Says Southern District In Granting Plaintiffs Summary Judgment For Religious Accommodation
- Massachusetts Cannabis Retailer Ordered To Bargaining Table Under New Cemex Rule
- In Clarifying Retaliation Standard, Second Circuit Grounds Plaintiff’s Claims To A Halt
- IRS Issues Transitional Relief To Defined Contribution Plan Sponsors With Respect To Catch-Up Contributions
- D.C. District Court Sides With Dol On Cautionary Cryptocurrency Guidance
- Rif Riven By Comparator Questions Must be Tried To A Jury, Not Summary Judgment
- Governor Hochul Signs Law Banning Captive Audience Meetings
- National Labor Relations Board Says Advocating On Behalf Of nonemployees Is Protected Concerted Activity
- Gwynne Wilcox Confirmed For Second Term On National Labor relations Board
- Reversing Trump Board, Biden NLRB Strictly Limits Employer Past Practice Defense For Unilateral Changes In First Or Successor Contract Negotiations
- Court Rejects Staffing Firms’ Attack On Memo Issued By The National Labor Relations Board’s General Counsel
- U.S. Department Of Labor Proposes Increasing Overtime Pay Threshold
- Groundbreaking U.S. Treasury Report Highlights Global Benefits Of Unionization
- What We Have Here Is A Failure To communicate” – Second Circuit, Butch Cassidy
- Nlrb Cements Huge Win For Labor, Paving Way To Unionization without A Formal Election
- Cornell Students Will Have A New Source Of Caffeine
- Nlrb Issues New Rule Clearing The Way For Quicker Union elections
- Federal Idr Process: Friend Or Foe?
- Irs Grants Further Relief in Connection With Required Minimum Distributions
- Utah District Court Rejects Mental Health Parity Claim for Plan’s Denial Of Coverage For Wilderness Therapy
- Potential strike looming for metro-north
- Second circuit sets standards for alleging retaliation for protected categories under title vii
- Osha finds that violent crimes on the job are subject to recordkeeping
- Doctors seek unionization amid wave of health-care mergers
- National labor relations board orders reluctant employers to bargaining tables, setting schedules and requiring progress reports
- Long-shot win for longshormen
- Trader Joe’s sues union for trademark infringement
- Sixth circuit rules shipping port operator plausibly alleged stevedores orchestrated illegal secondary boycott
- National labor board jettisons boeing rule and revises analysis for workplace rules
- The scope of weingarten rights in the context of counseling memorandums
- Plumbers local union no. 1 ratifies three-year industry-wide agreement
- Teamsters, UPS, and the nation’s economy dodge a bullet as contract is settled
- Dollar general deployed a “rapid response team” to commit a series of unfair labor practices in face of union organizing
campaign, ALJ finds - Starbucks’ pittsburgh unfair labor practices partially resolved
- The haves and the have nots: NLRB rules trucking company can increase wages to nonunion workers while putting a condition on the increase to unionized workers
- Questions abound over roth catch up contributions
- PBM scrutiny underway in congress and at federal trade commission
- Recommended tips for conducting diligent searches for missing participants
- Judge dissolves two forty-year-old consent decrees
- NLRB floods noah’s ark processors with a broad remedial order
- Historic rutgers faculty strike leads to tentative “framework deal” with potential to become a gamechanger for higher education
- XFL players spike on unionizing
- Applications for NYS AFL-CIO union L.E.A.D. Scholarship due june 1st
- D.C. circuit sinks 2021 board decision for “want of reasoned decision making”
- It’s not just coffee, it’s starbucks’ union busting NLRB administrative law judge finds
- D.C. district court applies appeals’ court trilogy to limit withdrawal liability
- State perb finds court system violated taylor law by failing to negotiate the unilateral implementation of its vaccine and testing mandate policies
- Supreme Court Considers Raising The Burden For Denying Religious Accommodation Requests
- “I Speak For Everyone When I Say” Third Circuit Court Of Appeals Adopts Proxy Liability For Title VII Sexual Harassment Cases
- Ninth Circuit Upholds Biden’s Firing Of Former NLRB General Counsel
- NLRB Finds That New York Hospital Unlawfully Fired Nurse Who Left Surgery
- President Biden Signs Omnibus Spending Bill Including Major Changes To Retirement Plans
- National Labor Relations Board Cheers Funding Increase
- Front-Line Nurses In 12 NYC Healthcare Facilities Authorize Union To Stike Beginning Next Week
- NLRB Loosens The Access Standard For Off-Duty Employees Of Onsite Contractors
- Ring Out The Old And Bring Back Johnnies’ Poultry
- DOL Proposes Improvements To Its Voluntary Fiduciary Correction Program
- PBGC Approves Sfa Applications For Central States Plan & Iron Workers Local 17 Pension Fund
- DOL Annnounces Final Rule Regarding Consideration of Esg Factors
- NLRB Revives Micro-units For Union Organizing
- Adult Survivors Act Creates One-year Window Of Opportunity To Bring Bygone Sexual Assault Claims
- Whole Means Whole: NLRB Makes Explicit Its Approach To Make-whole Relief For Employers’ Unfair Labor Practices
- Recession, Reorganization And Labor-Will The FTC And Doj Join With NLRB As Players?
- Strike Averted But Did Biden’s “Pro-Union” Train Leave The Station Without The Unions Or Avoid A Train Wreck?
- Second Circuit Sends Retiree Benefits Dispute To Arbitration
- NLRB Deletes T-Mobile’s T-Voice
- Court Grants And Blocks Delivery Of 10(J) Relief Against Amazon In Union Organizing Campaign
- The Empire State Takes Aim At Retaliatory Absence Policies
- Connecticut’s Captive Audience Law Challenged In Lawsuit
- NLRB Extends Time For Submission Of Comments Related To New, Proposed Rules On Representation
- President Biden Appoints New Pbgc Advisory Council Members
- PBGC Continues To Provide Guidance Regarding Its Special Financial Assistance Program Application Process
- 2023 Retirement-related Cost-of-living Adjustments Announced
- In Private Letter Ruling Irs Waives Ira 60-day Rollover Requirement For An Individual
- Cuny’s Internal Sexual Harassment Investigation gives Rise To ‘stigma Plus” Due Process Claim
- PBGC Extends Comment Period For Proposed Rule On Calculating Withdrawal Liability
- Grievances Belong To The Union
- New Regional Director For Brooklyn Nlrb Region 29
- Petty Slights And Trivial Inconveniences: Age Discrimination Claim By Nypd Lieutenant Tossed By First Department
- Nlrb Proposes Returning To Pre-trump Blocking Charge And Voluntary Recognition Policies
- Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals Finds That Workers Should Be Compensated For Time Spent Booting Up Computers
- Happy Veterans Day, Especially To All Those Who Served Our Country
- NLRB preserves pro-business standard in the war over workplace emails
- NLRB updates test for mail-in ballot elections in accordance with CDC tracking metrics
- NYS supreme court invalidates city’s vaccine mandate for public employees
- New workplace obligations:reminders regarding rederal, state, and city laws
- “Smart” union hit with $283,000 aiding and abetting decision
- NLRB issues new guidance on 10(j) injunctions
- First the unions, now the shareholders: major companies face blowback from shareholders over their handling of labor disputes
- EEOC gets digitally serious about workplace discrimination and harassment
- PBGC proposes rule superceding federal courts by prescribing interest rate assumptions for calculating withdrawal liability
- Rhode island retirement plan is not a church plan
- DOL sues architecture firm for losing millions in plan assets
- Nyc office of collective bargaining finds city Violated labor law by failing to negotiate the policies and procedures that implemented the vaccine mandate
- EEOC guidance on sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination enjoined and deemed unlawful
- Biden board pushes back against weakening of rule preserving status QUO post contract
- DOL Proposes scrapping trump administartions’s independent contractor rule and returning to “TOTALITY-OF-THE-CIRCUMSTANCES” for classifying independent contractors
- Split Board Orders employer to produce some but not all schedules to asset sale agreement
- Pitta LLP who has decades of experience in representing labor unions in our nation’s capital and throughout the United States
- City eliminates private employer vaccine mandate
- State supreme court rules NYPD vaccine mandate invalid, city appeals but complies
- Department of Labor revises reporting rules for employers
- New york city council considering bill limiting home health aide hours
- Biden names new regional director for NLRB, Region 2
- Guest article*
- Second Circuit Justifies Scope Of Audit In Nurse Fringe Benefit Fund Case
- Lawsuits Involving Northern Trust Target Date Funds
- Surprise Billing Final Rules And Faqs
- NLRB proposes new “JOINT-EMPLOYER STATUS” standard
- NLRB buttons up standard for employer bans on union apparel
- Oath administrative law judge making waves for city by ruling that SI ferry boat captains are owed prevailing wages
- Second circuit upholds win for new york city transit authority and Manhattan and Bronx surface transit authority
- Second circuit throws complaint under the bus: school bus driver’s criticism about reporting protocols held to be unprotected speech
- COVID-19 actions get failing grade: NLRB finds college’s pandemic-related decisions breached the duty to bargain
- The airing of dirty laundry: NLRB seeks to reverse affects of former number’s failure to disclose financial entanglements
- Drip, drip, drip: starbucks loses again at the nlrb and goes offensive.
- Democratic member panel of nlrb issues bargaining order against “hallmark” anti-union organizing violations
- Railway strike on the horizon?
- Irs extends deadline for non-governmental qualified plans to adopt certain changes under the secure act, miners act and cares act.
- The bear market’s effect on pension plans
- Biden administration issues strong reminder regarding contraceptive care through faqs
- Hhs issues proposed rule intended to strengthen aca section 1557 nondiscrimination protections
- U.S. rail carriers face a national strike
- NLRB imposes aggressive remedies on repeat violator
- Cannabis lawful? SDNY sends up smoke
- The joint employer saga continues: D.C. circuit reverses trump NLRB orders in browning-ferris
- Union liability for RICO extortion wins limited new life in third circuit
- Court upholds perb finding that teachers’ “sick out” violated the Taylor law’s anti-strike provision
- One hand washing the other: NLRB and DOJ enter into an agreement to protect workers’ rights
- EEOC Updates Guidance On Employer Responses To COVID-19
- Third Circuit Court Of Appeals Upholds Unions’ Right To Keep Dues Paid Pre-Janus
- Union Petitions Rise Dramatically
- Pension plan bailout final rule examined
- DC circuit joins sixth circuit limiting permissible methods for calculating withdrawal liability
- House ways and means chairman pens letter to gao seeking answers to risks associated with cryptocurrencies
- PBGC issues final rule to rescue distressed multiemployer pension plans
- DOL issues statement protecting women’s reproductive health decisions post dobbs
- NLRB general counsel looks to eliminate captive audience meetings, raises republican ire
- Scotus permits texas to be sued for employment discrimination under userra
- Scotus declines ny healthcare workers request to challenge vaccine mandate
- Federal district court gives arbitration award probative effect in granting summary judgment against federal, state and city harassment, discrimination and retaliation claims
- Scotus overrules Roe V. Wade
- Supreme Court shoots down New York gun regulation
- Now what to do?
- Split second circuit narrowly applies NYC Anti-Harassment retaliation rules
- NLRB rules that petitions to remove unions may be blocked based on merits of NLRB charges
- First apple store falls from the tree, voting for union representation
- D.C circuit expands scope of title VII
- IRS rolls out new pre-audit pilot program
- Proposed retirement protection legislation
- DOL’s anti-crypto guidance faces legal challenge
- IRS further extends relief from physical presence requirement in response to covid-19
- A few reminders(Based on calendar-year plans)
- The second circuit rejects Connecticut police union’s challenge to police transparency law
- Crypto strikes back-lawsuit challenges DOL criticism of cryptocurrency investments in 401(k) plans
- Electronic posting required by NLRB due to covid-19 related closures
- New York city comptroller promulgates preliminary prevailing wage rate schedules for 2022-2023
- Scotus Upends Arbitration Split With steely Double-edged Sword
- Honoring Mental Health Awareness Month – Dol Issues Guidance for Job-protected Leave To Treat Serious Mental Health conditions Under Fmla
- Amazon on the other side of a prime delivery – nlrb regional director suggests settling unfair labor practices or face a labor complaint
- Third circuit reverses NLRB over “SALT MINE” tweet
- United states Women’s National Soccer team finally achieves pay equity
- New York state sues amazon over mistreatment of disabled workers
- Preventing and mitigating fraud in pension and health and welfare funds
- Erisa advisory council votes to tackle cyber-risks in 2022
- Is the department of labor’s anti-crypto guidance foreshadowing of a regulatory change?
- The second circuit affirms reduction of contribution rates for nys retiree health insurance
- Order up: NLRB regional director serves complaint against starbucks alleging unfair labor practices in buffalo
- NYS attorney general reaches settlement with marriot marquis regarding severance pay
- Put your money where your mouth is: U.S. house of representatives votes for staffers’ right to unionization
- Reminder: NYC employer notice to employees of electronic monitoring is in effect
- Judge rakoff upholds painters’ lawful free speech over non-union contractor’s claims of secondary pressure
- Amazon can test sorters for Cannabis under nyc law
- Shortly after historic win, Amazon union suffers defeat at second location
- New york presbyterian hospital finally agrees to partcipate in program for long term victims of 9-11
- First circuit court of appeals upholds massachusetts hospital system vax mandate
- Biden’s Robb removal upheld by court of appeals
- McDonald’s saves NLRB settlement
- NYC amends (and delays effective date of) salary disclosure law for job, promotion, and transfer advertisements
- Appeals court flags contractor for failing to pay safety laborers prevailing wage and benefit rates
- The ERISA advisory council has a new member – Marcelle J. Henry
- Are retirement plans ready to invest in cryptocurrencies?
- DOL prohibited transaction exemption 2020-02 and related guidance triggers lawsuits
- A few reminders
- NYS law requiring employee handbooks to state “Reproductive Decision Making” rights and remedies violates 1st amendment freedom of religion
- Third circuit limits arbitrability of post contract claims
- Federal appellate court rejects challenge to federal employee vaccine mandate
- Recent rise in union-related activity with the NLRB while budgetary resources remain stagnant
- Andrew to the rescue – tapped to be staff counsel, NLRB
- Happy Easter, Happy Passover
- Scotus Limits Federal Jurisdiction Over Faa Arbitration
- Federal Court Denies Nyc Hotel Industry’s Challenge To Nyc Hotel Workers Severance Law
- Organizing Campaigns Gain Steam With Successes In Unionizing Corporate Giants
- Scotus Sinks Navy Seals’ Covid-19 Religious Exemption Appeal
- U.S. Dol Seeks To Bring Home The “davis” Bacon For Federally Funded Construction Projects
- Georgia Federal Court Rules Hospital May Have Violated Ada When It Rescinded A Job Offer After Learning Applicant Is Hiv Positive
- Covid-19 No Longer Designated As A “Serious Risk Of Harm To The Public Health” Under The NY Hero Act
- Scotus Continues To Turn Away Covid Religious Exemption Appeals
- More Bricks In The Wall: Federal Court Strikes Down Another Challenge To A Covid-Related Mandates
- Light Pleading Requirements Lift National Origin Claims Against Law Firm, But Partner Slips Away
- NLRB Confirms That Starbucks Is Precluded From Submitting Evidence At Pre-Election Hearings In Support Of Its Position That Single-Store Bargaining Units Are Inappropriate
- DOL announces the availability of millions of dollars for registered apprenticeship programs
- Multiemployer plans in an on-going pandemic environment
- DOL responds to court decision invalidating certain portions of the “no surprises act” interim final rule
- A few reminders
- Federal courts prove positive on covid discrimination claims
- Second circuit reverses district court’s denial of pba’s motion to intervene in summer 2020 protest litigation
- Mayor Adams ends most key to nyc requirements
- Nyc mayor signals eased restrictions for nyc vaccine passport but not employee vax mandate
- Scotus nominee jackson brings a record of respect for collective bargaining to the court
- Women tally a decisive victory in their bid to bring pay equity to soccer
- Restaurant advocacy organization fails in attempts to “tip” over u.s. dol final rule for hospitality employees
- Nothing lasts forever: n.y. court of appeals finds against retirees effort to stop the raising of medical insurance premiums
- Ongoing saga involving vaccine mandate: new york city teachers renew request to scotus For Injunctive Relief To Stop Looming Terminations
- Vaccination discrimination and due process claims Against New York City And Several City Agencies Dismissed
- Nlrb makes new appointments to regional Offices In Manhattan And Cleveland
- No Love In The Air For Municipal Workers Terminated On Valentine’s Day
- Congress Passes Landmark “Me-Too” Legislation
- Biden Administration Requires Healthcare Protections For LGBTQI+ Community
- Sexual Harassment Vs. Alcoholism – The Third Circuit Says HR Got It Right
- Governor Hochul Ends Mask Mandate For Most Businesses
- The Trouble With TIBBLE – Supreme Court Vacates HUGHES V. NORTHWESTERN UNIV., Raises Standard For Fiduciary Predence
- Scotus Candidate Judge Jackson Vacates Trump Rule To Limit Federal Worker Bargaining Rights
- Leveling The Court System’s Vaccine Playing Field
- Onward And Upward Pitta LLP
- Sex, lies and a racy text message land bank in harassment/retaliation trial
- COVID-19 updates
- Retaliation & Conspiracy claims dismissed against state court system employer & Chief Judge DiFiore
- Courts block and unblock NYS mask mandate
- Scotus denies retirees challenge of pension plan takeover
- Biden administration abandons vaccine or test mandate for larger businesses
- Third circuit limits RICO anti-union threat
- NYS indoor masking policy extended through February 1, 2022
- White house launches new website where Americans can request free covid-19 tests beginning January 19, 2022
- EBSA publishes new rules on pooled employer plans and annual reporting requirements
- Onward and upward Carlos Beato
- Ring out the old as NLRB invites more briefs to reconsider trump board decisions
- Dol kills t-1 at year end for 2022, lm-2 remains primary union report
- As the clock struck midnight: Three uniformed city unions make deals with the outgoing administration
- Tag team action: Federal agencies join forces to enforce workers’ rights
- Celebrating the life and legacy of rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, jr.
- The three AMICI – NLRB invites briefs to reconsider trump era standards for damages and organizing
- DOL settlement with amazon makes it easier for unions to organize
- Final rule on electronic disclosures saves time and money, says DOL
- Sixth circuit upholds osha large employer vaccination mandate, Dissolves fifth circuit stay nationwide
- New york city publishes guidance for sweeping covid-19 vaccine mandate effective december 27, 2021
- Eeoc issues new technical guidance for covid-19 as a disability
- New york state supreme court orders new york city to delay implementation of medicare health care plan switch until april 1
- New York State Super All Mask Or All Vax Mandate Begins
- U.S. Supreme Court Will Not Hear Challenge To New York State Health Care Worker Vax Mandate
- Third Circuit Clarifies Procedures And Pitfalls In Action To Vacate A Labor Arbitration Award
- In A First, A Starbucks Shop Votes To Unionize
- New York City Council Passes Legislation Seeking To Prevent Bias In Automated Employment Decision Tools
- Stays In Louisiana And Georgia District Courts Stiruncertainty In The Ever-changing Landscape Of Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Litigation
- Outgoing Mayor De Blasio Calls For First In-the-nation covid-19 Vaccine Mandate For Private Companies
- Hipaa And Privacy Barriers To personal Covid-19 Vaccination Information
- Regulatory Norms Face Challenges Now And In the Future Due To Vaccine Mandate Litigation
- Second Circuit Recognizes A “Church Of One” Exemption In NYC Covid Vaccination Case
- President Biden Boosts Pay For More Than 327,000 Workers To $15 Per Hour
- IRS Issues New Faqs Regarding Rehiring Retirees And In-Service Distributions
- NLRB Orders Second Union Election For Amazon Warehouse Workers In Alabama
- Osha Strikes Back – Petitions Sixth Circuit To Lift Fifth Circuit Stay Of Emergency Vaccination Mandate
- Eeoc Offers Guidance On Preventing Covid Related Retaliation
- After Cybersecurity, Dol Focuses On Cross-Selling
- New York State Passes Automatic Ira Law
- Thanksgiving Message
- Fifth Circuit Extends Stay Of Osha Mandatory Vaccination Standard, Cases Move To Sixth Circuit Now
- Duty To Bargain Not Stayed By Osha Rule Or Covid Litigation
- Chicago Police Union Scores Two Wins In Its Fight Against The Citywide Vaccine Mandate
- It Takes A Village: New York State Recognizes “siblings” In Its Coverage For Paid Family Leave
- Promises Made, Promises Kept – President Biden To Sign BI-Partisan, Labor Friendly $1.2 Trillion National Infrastructure Bill
- DOL Announces Additional Transition Relief For Prohibited Transaction Exemption 2020-02
- EEOC Provides Covid Religious Exemption Safe Harbor Form
- Governor Hochul Signs Law That Requires NY Private Employers To Notify Workers Of Email & Telephone Monitoring
- Happy Veterans Day, Especially To All Those Who Served Our Country
- Scotus Declines To Stay Maine’s Must-Vaccinate Mandate Lacking Religious Exemption
- Red States Strike Back, Sue Biden Administration Over Vax Mandates
- United’s COVID Skies Unfriendly To The UnVaccinated
- Newly Emboldened Workers Turn October Into #STRIKETOBER
- Second Circuit Clears Path For Biden To Undo Trump Joint Employer Regulations
- Holding The Line: U.S. Supreme Courts Rejects Challenges To Qualified Immunity
- EEOC Updates Covid-19 Technical Assistance In Light Of Increased Employer Vaccination Mandates
- NLRB Appoints Five Regional Directors
- Department Of Labor Proposal Amends Investment Duties Regulation Under Erisa
- Second Circuit Emphatically Affirms Covid Mandates
- Albany State Supreme Court Upholds Court Covid Mandates
- Flash Point – First Amendment, Fair Representation And Rule Of Law Clash In Illinois Lawsuit
- Federal Judge Enjoins State Health Care Vax Mandate Lacking Religious Accommodation
- Summary Judgment Granted To Airline Over Nyc Paid Sick Leave Law
- Irs Issues Supplemental Guidance On Extension Of Cobra Election And Payment Deadlines
- Sotomayor Shuts Down Emergency Appeal: Nyc Doe Is Allowed To Enforce Its Vaccination Mandate
- District Council 37 Reaches A Deal With New York City Doe Regarding Its Vaccine Mandate
- The Nlrb Signals It May Revisit The Employee Status Issue For College Athletes
- Labor Community Mourns The Passing Of Hispanic Labor Leader Ed Vargas
- Covid-19 Vaccine Worker Mandates Across All Levels Of Government Cause Rush To Litigation
- Second Circuit Court Vacates Injunction Against Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate – New York City Department Of Education Mandate Goes Into Effect On October 1, 2021
- State Supreme Court Postpones Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate For Court Workers
- White House Releases Covid-19 Vaccine Guidance For Federal Contractors – Workers Must Be Vaccinated By December 8
- Biden Dol Issues Final Tip Theft Rule That Expands The Power To Fine Businesses
- Mental Health Parity Law Violations May Finally Carry Civil Penalties
- Covid Orders And Court Tros In Play As Legal Proceedings Mutate
- NLRB General Counsel Announces Intent To Seek “Complete Relief” In Remedies
- Evade Or Avoid Withdrawal Liability Need Only Be One Principal Purpose In A Transaction To Void It Says Third Circuit
- Administration Imposes Sweeping Vaccine Mandate On Federal Workers And Large Employers
- Unions And Tyson Foods Agree On Paid Sick Leave For COVID-19 Vaccinated Workers
- NY Hero Act: Takeaways From Governor Hochul’s Recent COVID-19 Designation
- Notice Of Expiration Of Cobra Premium Assistance
- Warning! The “Key To NYC” Program Has Turned To Enforcement
- Union Fails Standing In Covid Protection Litigation
- Third Circuit Court Of Appeals Upholds Deference To Arbitration
- Surcharges In The Time Of The Covid-19
- Federal Unemployment Benefits Expire For 7.5 Million Americans
- Remembering 9/11
- Dc Circuit Bars Trump Board Access Rule As Arbitrary
- The Board’s Rx For Relief In Unfair Labor Practice Cases May Soon Go Extra Strength
- Chicago Afl-Cio Opposes Vaccine Mandates
- Second Circuit Approves Trump Board’s “Contract Coverage” Standard Easing Unilateral Employer Changes
- Third Circuit Revives Class Action Interpreting Userra In Favor Of Servicemembers
- Afl-Cio Elects Liz Shuler President – Shattering Labor’s Glass Ceiling
- Nyc Requires Individuals To Display Proof Of Vaccination To Participate In Certain Indoor Activities
- Board General Counsel Issues Memorandum Detailing Priorities Including A Roadmap To Undo Many Trump Era Cases
- Irs Issues Supplemental Guidance On Cobra Premium Assistance
- While You Were Looking Elsewhere, Scotus May Have Just Upheld Mandatory Vaccinations
- Mayor De Blasio Signs Labor Peace Agreement Legislation For Human Services Contractors
- Osha Issues New Covid-19 Guidance
- NLRB Allows the Rwdsu To Take Another Swing At Amazon
- National Infrastructure Bill Closer To Reality After United States Senate Passes Bipartisan Bill
- Nyc Law Regulating Use And Collection of Customer Biometric Information In Effect, Along With Millions Of Dollars In Potential Liability
- Court Of Appeals Strikes Down Trump Board Secondary Picketing Decision As A Stretch Too Far
- Singing A Different Time: NLRB Acting General Counsel Reverses Course On GAG Orders
- Governor Cuomo Signs HERO Act Offering Greater Workplace Covid Protection
- National Labor Relations Board Defers President Biden’s General Counsel Appointment to the Courts
- Biden Administration Cancels Trump Era Gig-Worker Rule
- Teamsters Prevail in Lawsuit Challenging California’s Abc Classification Law for Independent Contractors
- New Pot Law in New York Creates Legal Ambiguities for Workers
- New York Courts Dismiss Defamation Claims By Alleged Sexual Harassers
- Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: Unionization Efforts Continue With Mixed Results
- A Closer Look At The Multiemployer Pension Plan Relief Under Arpa
- Right And Wrong Along A Black And Blue Line
- SDNY Invalidates Trump Campaign Non-Disclosure And Non-Disparagement Contract Provisions
- Continuation Of Cobra Subsidies – Employers Scramble To Apprise Workers
- Stop The Steal: Department Of Labor Issues Guidance To Halt Fraudlent Unemployment Insurance Payments
- Unions Do Not Find A Sweet Home In Alabama
- New York State Budget Includes First Of Its Kind Renewable Energy Job Standards
- Biden Department Of Labor Ends Trump Era Rule Limiting Double Damages In Wage Cases
- Biden Nominates New Head To Lead Osha
- Dol Issues Cobra Premium Assistance Model Notices
- Jersey Courts Strike Down State Statute Prohibting Employment Discrimination Claims Going to Arbitration
- Play Ball – Sdny Throws out Umpire Claiming Title Vii Foul
- Court Grants Amazon Employee’s Request to Add a New Wage And Hour Claim for Pre-shift Covid-19 Related Screenings
- U.S. District Court Rules Hospital Lawfully Terminated Pregnant Employee Refusing Flu Shot
- Senate Passes Extension To Paycheck Protection Program – Deadline Now May 31, 2021
- Department Of Labor Presents New Rule For Tipped Wages After Calling Pause On Trump Era Proposed Rule
- Garden State Guidance – New Jersey Issues Vaccination Rules
- Third Circuit Upholds Discharge Of Bny Mellon Employee For Social Media Post Praising Violence
- Second Circuit: Employment Agreement Arbitration Clause Does Not Extend To Erisa Third-party Plan Fiduciary
- One Year Into Covid-19 Pandemic Union Wage Increases Are Sluggish
- Reminder – New Round Of Paycheck Protection Program Funds Available – Unions And Some Employee Benefit Plans May Be Eligible – Deadline March 31, 2021
- United States Senate Confirms Boston Mayor Marty Walsh As Secretary Of Labor
- Reminder – New Round Of Paycheck Protection Program Funds Available – Unions And Some Employee Benefit Plans May Be Eligible – Deadline March 31, 2021
- Osha Inspections And Nys Leave Aim To Stem Covid-19
- Appellate Court Approves Mandatory Retrement For New York State Judges
- Original Sin – J & J Vaccine Variant Raises Religious Objection
- Tale Of Two Felons
- Right To Work Laws – The Battle Continues In The States
- The “Fight For Fifteen” Rages On: New Study Shows There Is No Monster Under The Bed
- U.S. District Judge Broadly Answers How Broad Can Labor Arbitration Go?
- United States Supreme Court Rejects Amazon Driver’s Last Mile Arbitration Dispute
- Biden Department Of Labor Renews Focus On Wage Enforcement For Government Contractors
- Biden Labor Department Extends Jobless Benefits To Workers Refusing Unsafe Work
- Biden Eliminates Trump Era Apprenticeship Program
- When Is CBS Not CBS? When It Is Not A Single-Employer
- Biden Administration At EEOC Continues Dismantling Trump ERA Rules
- Department Of Labor Reverses Trump GIG Worker Guidance
- DC Circuit Reminds NLRB Who’s Boss
- Amazon vs. Wonder Woman-Pressure Mounts in Battle Over Workers’ RightsWORKERS’ RIGHTS
- Bloomberg Not “Employer” Under Nyc Human Rights Law
- The Democratically-Controlled Congress Advances President Biden’s Pro-Worker Legislation
- Breaking News-Biden Nominates Abruzzo As Nlrb General Counsel, But Beware Robb’s Revenge
- Democratic Majorities in the U.S. Senate and House Of Representatives Introduce National Paid Family and Medical Leave
- For next Seven Weeks Workers in Alabama Will Vote on Whether to Become the First Amazon American Workers to Unionize
- Timing Is Everything in Two Second Circuit Decisions
- Biden’s Acting General Counsel OHR Brings Immediate Change To NLRB
- Trump Board Panel Protects Wildcat Strikers This Time, Notes Possible Change In Future Cases
- Biden Administration Orders Broader Bargaining And Protections For Federal Workers
- Post-Covid-19 Emerging Issues: New Proposed Changes To Workplace Privacy Laws
- Decisive Biden Administration Actions Immediately Impact Labor And Employment
- New York State Building And Trades Council Endorses State Legislation Designed To Protect Workers During Covid-19 Pandemic
- Other New Governmental Measures Undertaken To Implement Covid-19 Workplace Safety Standards
- Wishing Success To Our New President And Vice President
- As Federal Covid-19 Paid Sick Leave Ends, New York Paid Sick Leave Steps In
- Departing Trump Eeoc Releases Final Rule On ‘conciliating’ Bias Claims
- 2021 Cola Increases For Dollar Limitations On Qualified Retirement Plans
- Qualified Retirement Plan Limits
- Commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Challenge To New Nassau County Superior Officers’ Labor Contract Dismissed
- New York City Adds Just Cause Protection For Fast Food Workers
- In Big Win For Building Trades, Biden Nominates Marty Walsh For Labor Secretary
- Trump Department of Labor Issues Final Rule on Independent Contractor Status
- Sag-aftra Health Plan Facing Legal Challenges Due To “Draconian” Benefits Cuts
- Renowned Hotel Compelled To Proceed To Arbitration Regarding Fund Contribution Dispute
- Change And Independent Monitor Come To The UAW
- Lame Duck Trump Administration Rushes Rules, Rulings, And Retribution In Eleventh Hour
- No Way You Stay Free Speech – U.S. District Court Enjoins Anti-diversity Order
- Covid-19 Vaccinations-staying Healthy, And Immune from Discrimination Law Liability
- Second Circuit Cabins Fiduciary Liability For Service Providers Acting under Contract
- Second Circuit Reaffirms Deference to Labor Arbitration
- Machinists Name New General Counsel
- Merry Christmas!
- End Of Year Reminders And New Changes For 2021
- Trump EEOC Offers “pass Jail” Cards To Employers
- PBGC Says That Multiemployer Program Projected To Be Insolvent In FY 2026; Single-employer Program Improves
- Happy Chanukah
- For God And Country-EEOC Issues Updated Compliance Manual On Religious Discrimination
- Spate Of Litigation Alleges New Causes Of Action To Combat Unsafe Working Conditions Related To Covid-19
- Grapes Of Wrath? Scotus To Review Union Access To Farm Workers
- First Circuit Court Of Appeals Places Limits On Qualified Immunity Doctrine
- EEOC Ending Nearly Half Century Old Case Against Iron Workers Local 580
- Public Sector Unions Lose FED Challenge to Benefit Cuts
- NLRB Tells Paving Co. IT can’t Shift Union Member Work Without Bargaining
- OSHA Says that Cloth Masks are not PPE
- Stephen Mc Quade Joins Pitta LLP
- Thanksgiving Message
- D.C. Circuit Subjects Board Unit Determinations To Strict Scrutiny, Invalidating Two Elections Won By Union
- New Jersey And California Take Polar Opposite Paths On Gig Economy Law
- Bruce Cooper Retiring From Pitta LLP
- Congratulations To Joe Biden And Kamala Harris – What Labor, Employees And Employers May Now Expect
- DC District Court Upholds City Law Cutting Police CBA Disciplinary Protections
- US Doj Asks Second Circuit To Restore Trump Administration’s Joint-employer Test
- Veteran’s Day 2020
- Delay In Presidential Election Results Leaves Legislation And Policy Decisions In Limbo
- National Labor Relations Board Will Determine The Fate Of “The Rat”
- Employers Sue To Prevent New Jersey’s New Severance Law From Taking Effect
- Appointee Resigns Over Trump’s Cancellation Of Civil Service Job Protections
- Comcast And Other Cable Contractor Agree To Pay $1.85 Million To Workers For Failing To Pay Minimum Wage And Overtime
- Federal Court Rejects Nlrb Bid To Strike Down Oregon Anti-captive Audience Law
- Trump Threatens Contractors On Anti-bias Training – OFCCP Seeks Support By Dec. 1, 2020 – Business And Nonprofits Push Back
- Scotus Signals Interest In Hearing Erisa Case
- Osha Debunks N95 Misinformation And Declares The Masks Very Effective Against Covid-19
- Senate Majority Confirms Justice Barrett To Scotus
- New York’s Election Day Rules
- NLRB Continues To Halt Vote By Mail Elections
- NLRB Polices Workplace Etiquette
- PBGC Premium Increase For Multiemployer Plans
- Fifth Circuit Joins The Sixth Circuit In Applying The “Salary Basis” Test To Determine Whether A Worker Is Overtime Exempt
- Democrats Continue Attack On Dol’s Gig Worker Proposal
- Trump Dol Faces Backlash Over Proposal To Limit Proxy Voting Power
- Office Of Labor-Management Standards Solicits Comments For New Lm-2 Form
- U.S. DOL Proposes Amendments To LM-2 Forms Resulting In Heavier Burdens On Unions
- U.S. District Court Sends Withdrawal Liability Acceleration Case To Arbitrator
- De Blasio Signs Three Bills To Protect Hotel Workers, Small Businesses, And Employee Sick Leave
- Third Circuit Backs Union Right To Production Of Purchase agreement In Parts Relevant To Collective Bargaining
- NLRB Calls Halt To A Mail-ballot Union Election
- House Issued And NLRB Rejected Subpoenas To Explore NLRB Members’ Conflicts
- America Mourns The Death Of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
- New York State Sick Leave Law Changes To Go Into Effect September 30, 2020
- So You Thought Your Discussions With Counsel Were Privileged? Think Again
- NJ Federal Court Case May Impact Whether Mandatory COVID-19 Health Screenings Are Compensable Under Wage And Hour Laws
- Third Circuit Holds That Courts And Not Arbitrators Decide Whether Agreement To Arbitrate Exists, Even If Agreement Commits That Question To Arbitrator
- Third Circuit, By 2:1 Decision, Rejects “CLAWBACK” Of Union Dues
- The Latest Covid Consequence: Back To Work, Back To Litigation
- NLRB Advises Employers How To Avoid Unions Under Cloak Of Covid
- Board General Counsel Directs Regions To Issue Complaints Against Card Check Neutrality Agreements And Related Organizing
- Federal Court Excises Parts Of Trump’s Proposed Changes To Joint Employer Rule
- Covid Provides No Pause Of Nys October 9 Sexual Harassment Training Deadline
- Second Circuit Grants Request For Stay In 50A Case
- Fema Approves NY Application To Provide Additional Unemployment Payments To New Yorkers
- California Federal Court Rules That Amazon Delivery Drivers Can Avoid Arbitration
- NLRB Covid Advice Memos Leave Labor Coughing, Short Of Breath And Needing Ventilators
- Court Rules Cuny Can Take “cares” Money While Adjuncts Take Walking Papers
- Federal Court Enjoins Trump’s Anti–LGBTQ Rules
- Law Enforcement Unions File Lawsuit Challenging NYC “diaphragm Law”
- California Court Orders Uber And LYFT To Reclassify Drivers As Employees
- Allegedly Funny, Frightened And Star-struck Arbitrator Not Evidently Partial In Favor Of Uber
- New York Federal Court Voids Restrictions On Paid Leave For Workers Affected By Covid-19
- New Osha Guidance: Masks Won’t Hurt You
- Senate Confirms Lauren Mcferran As Sole Democrat On The Nlrb
- Trump Board Proposes To Turn Excelsior Rule Inside Out
- Citing Scotus In Bostock, Tenth Circuit Leads Federal Courts In Recognizing Sex Plus Age Discrimination Claims
- Must Employees Be Paid For Time Spent Undergoing Covid-19 Screening Procedures?
- Managing The Coronavirus For New York State Employers/Employees
- Retirement Plan Reform: The Secure Act
- Eighteen Attorneys General Sue To Block Long Awaited Joint Employer Rule
- Republican Only Nlrb Final Joint Employer Rule Tightens Standard, Eliminates Obama-era Precedent
- Appeals Court Upholds Ban On Wage Inquiry And Reliance
- Nyc Commission On Human Rights Settles With Prada Over Racist Imagery And Imposes First Of Its Kind Restorative Justice Measures
- Dems Pro Labor Bill Warrants Union Support, Caution, And Self-reliance
- TWU & IAM Negotiate Top Flight Joint Agreements For Their Members Employed By American Airlines
- District Of Columbia Circuit Court Again Rejects NLRB’S Jurisdiction Over Religious School Faculty
- Striking Workers May Now Obtain Unemployment Benefits After Three Weeks’ Loss Of Employment
- Second Circuit Upholds Arbitrator Award Reducing Employer Withdrawal Liability Assessment
- NRLB To Countrywide Financial : Illegal Mandatory Arbitration Agreements Under Boeing Standard
- Governor Cuomo Proposes Legislation Further Protecting Transit Workers From Harassment And Assault
- New York State Budget Proposal Includes Provision To Provide Unions Access To Orientations For New Employees
- NLRB Applies Retroactive Manifest Injustice Standard To Claw Back Union Representation
- Censoring Employees’ Discussions Of Workplace Investigations Not A Violation Of Workers’ Rights, Says NLRB
- National Labor Relations Board To Employers – You Can Restrict Your Employees’ Use Of E-mails
- Federal Court Stays Implementation Of Long Sought New York State Farm Labor Law
- NLRB Issues Final Rule Undercutting Reforms In Representation Case Procedures
- U.S. Department Of Labor Proposal Expands Financial Disclosure And Reporting Requirements To Public Sector Labor Unions
- Layoff Of Non-Union Members In Bargaining Unit Not Subject To First Amendment Strict Scrutiny Protection
- D.N.J. Court Faces In Two Directions Post Janus: Upholds Union But Pans Legislation
- NLRB Region 2 Welcomes “New” Regional Attorney
- New Rules On Overtime Eligibility Take Effect January 1, 2020
- NLRB Says To Defer To Arbitrators In Some “Unilateral Change” Cases
- PBGC FY2019 Annual Report: Good News And Bad News
- Thanksgiving Message
- Second Circuit Affirms NLRB Ruling Protecting Fired Servers’ Emails As Protected Concerted Activity
- NI Federal District Court Clips Care One RICO Claim Against SEIU
- A Week Late And Plenty Of Dollars Short
- A Veterans Day Message Good All Year
- If You Missed The Deadline, This May Be Your Last Chance Before The Lawsuit
- And Don’t Forget Election Day Tuesday November 5 New Leave Time Rules
- Irs Issues Final Hardship Distribution Rules
- Seventh Circuit Ruling: Statute Of Limitations On Withdrawal Liability Runs From The Acceleration Date
- Nlrb Sidesteps Itself, Using Rulemaking To Reverse Controversial Graduate Student Rule
- State Judge Freezes Alaska’s Attempt To Extend Janus, For Now
- Trump Nlrb Rules That Nlra Protects Employer Right To Misclassify Workers As Independent Contractors
- Nyc Issues Guidance To Protect Against Discrimination On The Basis Of Immigration And National Origin
- Dol Final Rule Raises Ot Exemption And “highly Compensated Worker” Thresholds
- Nlrb Further Limits Union Organizing access, Reversing Decades Old Precedent
- The Nlrb Makes It Easier For employers To Make Unilateral Changes
- Split Dc Circuit Enforces Obama Board “perfectly Clear Successor” Rule, Flashing “slow” For Expected Trump Board Reversal
- Tennis Coach Wins Rematch on Dismissed Lawsuit for Discriminatory Discharge Over Alleged Sexual Harassment
- Nlrb Broadly Prohibits Non-Employee Leafleting, Reversing Obama Era Board
- Nlrb Limits Class Waivers
- Harasser time is up in New York State
- Wright line going wrong
- New york state human rights law expanded:Discrimination based on natural hairstyles and religious attire and facial hair now prohibited
- Complete Preemption Prevails To Defeat NYS And NYC Discrimination Claims
- Court Of Appeals Rebuffs Federal Employee Unions’ Lawsuit Challenging Trump Executive Orders
- National Mediation Board Seeks To Streamline Procedure For Decertification Under Railway Labor Act
- Federal Law Preempts New York Statute Banning Mandatory Arbitration Of Sexual Harassment Claims
- Not Only Does Scabby The Rat Symbolize Freedom To Organize – Judge Rules That Inflating Rodent During Labor Protest Is Constitutionally Protected
- New York Moves To Close The Wage Gap
- New York Employees May Soon Be Able To “Lien” On Their Employer’s Property For Wage And Hour Violations
- Jettisoning Precedent, NLRB Prescribes How to Withdraw Union Recognition at Contract End Without Election
- Business Not Usual In NY State
- New York Now Requires Paid Leave For Voting
- FY 2018 EBSA Enforcement Statistics
- NLRB Invites Employers To Post “No Union Allowed” In Public Places
- Judge Balks At Umpire’s Claim Of Union Privilege
- Getting Wright Line Right
- New Jersey: First State In Nation To Require Panic Buttons To Protect Hotel Workers From Harassment
- Supreme Court Limits A Procedural Defense Available To Employers In Job Discrimination Lawsuits
- Rats, Cats, And Snakes
- Ring And Kaplan Ride To Rescue Of Threatening Employer; Mcferran Dissents
- NLRB’S General Counsel’s Advice Memo: Uber Drivers Cannot Unionize
- Farmers’ Rights To Organize Sprout Into Fruition
- Workers Win Two When U. S. Supreme Court Denies Review Of Public Sector First Amendment Cases
- Court Enforces NLRB Order Of Prescribed Bargaining Times And Information
- Stop [striking] & [resume] Shop[ping]
- State courts join in upholding union exclusive bargaining rights post janus
- NLRB successorship pendulum swings back towards employers
- Second circuit panel hobbles ADA plaintiffs by replacing “mixed motive” with restrictive “but for” standard
- New York City Human Rights Commission Rolls out Online Anti-sexual Harassment Training
- NLRB Issues Additional Advice regarding Duty Of Fair Representation
- City Pension Actuary Miscalculates By millions, Corrections Scheduled Through 2022
- Why Plan Drug Costs Can Rise As Rebates Do Too
- Janus II Rebuffed – Union Not Liable For Pre-Janus I Damages
- New Jersey Enacts New Paid Family Leave Law
- NLRB Veers Hard Right In Applying Law To Curtail Union Effectiveness
- More Overtime, Please! DOL Proposes New Overtime Rule
- Ninth Circuit Rules Janus Does Not Bar Union’s Exclusive Representation Rights
- Beck Revisited – NLRB Limits Union Chargeable Expenses
- When Things Get Hairy: NYC Bans Discrimination Based On Hair
- NLRB To Review 2016 Standard Regarding Its Jurisdiction Over Charter Schools
- Labor Divided – New Battlefront: Hudson Yards
- Appellate Court Rules That Police Body Camera Video May Be Publicly Disclosed
- Rats! Robbed Again? Scabby Caged In Seventh Circuit For Now
- Maintenance Of Checkoff Provision May Be Maintained
- SCOTUS Holds “Wholly Groundless” Exception To Arbitrability Wholly Groundless
- Building Trades Must Wrestle With Hudson Yards Developer In State Court Because Tort Claims Not Preempted By Federal Law
- U.S. Department Of Education’s Proposed Title IX Regulations Seek To Protect Sexual Harassment Complainants And At The Same Time Give Respondents A Fair Process
- Two “Mother’s Day” Laws Passed To Protect Nursing Mothers In The Workplace
- National Labor Relations Board Reverses Independent Contractor Rule
- Me-Too Means You-Too: Potential Union Liability For Steward Sexual Harassment
- Citing “Privacy,” OSHA Eliminates Record Keeping Requirements
- Private Sector Union Membership Slips
- Browning-Ferris Redux Sows Confusion – D.C. Circuit Upholds Obama Board Joint Employer Rule But Remands To Trump Board For Application
- NFL Boots Security Consultant Statutory Claims To Arbitration
- To “Protect” Neutrals, Trump Board Requires Union Picketing To Promise Compliance With Law
- Board Overrides Dismissal Of Decert Petition Despite ALJ Findings Of Unfair Labor Practices
- Police Officer Personnel Records Not Subject To Disclosure Under Freedom Of Information Law
- National Labor Relations Board Seeks To Reduce Timeline In Case-Handling
- NLRB And NMB May Be Parting At Jurisdictional Crossroads Over Air And Rail Carrier Contractors
- 23-and-she Gina Discrimination Claim Dismissed Against State Employers
- Round One In “Janus II” Goes To Unions – No Retroactive Application Says Federal District Court
- Breaking News – IRS Proposes To Expand Plan Hardship Distribution Rules
- New Second Circuit Decision Ensures Arbitral Clarity Over Finality