Champions Of Labor For More Than 40 Years

Investigating Unfair Labor Practice Claims

Each year, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) investigates 20,000 to 30,000 alleged violations of the National Labor Relations Act. This act, first instituted in 1935, created the NLRB to protect the rights of workers to improve their wages and working conditions.

Pitta LLP has championed the legal rights of organized labor for 40 years. Our lawyers can provide skilled representation related to unfair labor practice claims, whether they are directed at a union or a public or private employer.

Defending Unions Against Charges Of Unfair Labor Practices

The lawyers of our firm take unfair labor practice claims against unions seriously and stand ready to assist your labor organization in mounting a credible defense. We have represented union clients against the following charges, among others:

  • Not processing a grievance in a timely manner
  • Fining employees who are former union members for crossing a picket line during a strike
  • Expelling employees from union membership for participating in an investigation by the NLRB

Our firm carefully investigates all charges and looks for mitigating factors for our clients. We can help you settle with the party filing the grievance, or represent you in front of the NLRB administrative law judge if the case advances to that level.

Filing Charges Of Unfair Working Conditions By An Employer

If a union member’s complaint is with their employer, our attorneys can assist in arbitration or litigation to resolve the matter. Some of the situations our firm can handle include:

  • Company interference in the formation of a union
  • Refusal to negotiate with a union that is the lawful representative of the company’s employees
  • Employer actions toward an employee that violate collective bargaining agreements, including sudden changes in hours, shifts and the like

Our legal team has decades of experience practicing in labor law and will defend employees who have suffered because of the fact that they hold a union membership or who have had the benefits promised them through collective bargaining denied.

Contact Our Firm For More Information

Pitta LLP represents union clients throughout New York and New Jersey and has three convenient locations — one in Albany and two in New York City (Manhattan). We understand employment law and benefits. Call 212-257-3973 or email us to set up a consultation.