Champions Of Labor For More Than 40 Years

Dealing With Government Audits And Investigations

The labor and employment law attorneys of Pitta LLP represent labor unions facing government audits and investigations in New York and New Jersey.

Our lawyers have extensive experience in representing local and parent unions in union-imposed trusteeships/supervisions and government- or court-imposed monitorships. We also advise and represent unions with regard to agreements with private sector inspectors general.

A Former Government Investigator Now Advising Unions

Our team of labor attorneys includes a former senior investigator for the New York Office of the U.S. Department of Labor, where over the course of 34 years he conducted numerous complex investigations regarding various allegations, including union misappropriation of funds, failure to maintain appropriate financial records and problems related to LM-2, LM-10 and LM-30 report filing requirements.

This wealth of experience provides our firm with valuable insight into how these types of cases are investigated and prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Offices for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, and we utilize this knowledge to our union clients’ benefits.

Pitta LLP has provided labor and employment law services for unions in New York City for more than 40 years. We are deeply connected to labor, and we believe in labor.

Our lawyers counsel and represent unions in connection with all federal, state and local administrative and regulatory agency investigations. We advise unions in all matters of compliance and enforcement.

Know Your Rights. Make The Call.

The labor and employment law attorneys of Pitta LLP can be contacted via email or by phone at 212-257-3973.